Get acquainted with the experienced local leaders guiding the healthcare operations of Montage Health in Monterey, California. Our board members have backgrounds in many industries to ensure the long-term success of Montage Health.
Board of Trustees
Luis Alvarez
Patrick Burke, Vice Chair
Randy Charles, Secretary
Jim Cummings
Ryan Edwards
Mimi Hahn
Leslie Magid Higgins
Kiran Kamath
Kevin Mahoney
Dr. Steven Packer, MD, President/CEO
Judge Carrie Panetta
Bill Warner, Chair
Margi Wiest
Montage Health Executive Team
Steven Packer, MD
Steven X. Cabrales, MD
Vice President, Chief Medical Officer
Mark Carvalho, MD
Chief Executive Officer, Montage Medical Group
President, MoGo Urgent Care
Kevin Causey
Vice President/Chief Development Officer
Greg Smorzewski
Vice President/Chief Human Resources Officer
Debbie Sober, MSN, MBA, RN
Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer